
创建时间:  2011/04/24  张阿方   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目:Well-Defined Graft Copolymers: Synthesis, Properties, and Application
摘要:Graft copolymers with a large number of side chains chemically attached onto a linear backbone are endowed with unusual properties thanks to their confined and compact structures, including wormlike conformation, compact molecular dimension and notable chain end effects. Growing attentions have been paid to these interesting macromolecules due to their importance in understanding the correlation between architectures and properties, as well as their potential applications. In this presentation, we summarized our recent advances towards the construction of well-defined graft copolymers in detail and the corresponding applications by selected examples.
报告时间2011-04-28 下午13:00
黄晓宇研究员简介1993年南京大学本科毕业,1998年获复旦大学博士学位。此后先后在加拿大多伦多大学及美国阿克伦大学从事博士后研究。2001年入选中科院百人计划进入上海有机所工作,任研究员、博士生导师。黄晓宇研究员的主要研究兴趣是高分子合成化学、尤其是梳形聚合物的合成,近三年在包括Chem. Soc. Rev (IF大于20)等一流刊物上发表论文20余篇。



Lab address: Lab of Polymer Chemistry, Shanghai University, Materials Building 447, Nanchen 333, Shanghai 200444
Mail address: Shangda Street 99, Mailbox 152, Shanghai 200444, China.
Phone: 021-66138044, 66138053; Fax: 021-66138039. E-mail: kliu@shu.edu.cn

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