杜邦公司高性能聚合物全球技术部经理(Global Technology Manager, Dupont Performance Polymers)孙难见博士应邀将于5月16日13:30来我处做报告(地点:宝山东校区材料楼520室),报告主题"我在杜邦公司的工业界研发经验分享"。欢迎老师、同学参加!
报告人简介:B.E. (1993) & M.E. (1996) in Polymer Science & Engineering from Sichuan University, and then PhD in Polymer Chemistry & Physics (1999) from Institute of Chemistry, CAS. After Postdocs in DKI, Germany (1999-2000), Uni. Michigan (2000-2002) and Virginia Tech (2002-2005), he returned back to Shanghai and joined DuPont China as Analytical Lab Manager, and thereafter, he was promoted to be the Global Technology Manager. He is now in charge of researches in DuPont on high performance polymers.