
2000.09-2004.06 郑州大学 本科

2005.04-2007.02 德国柏林洪堡大学 硕士

2007.03-2010.03 瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院 (ETH Zurich) 博士(荣获2009年度国家优秀留学生奖)

2010.05-2013.09 上海大学 讲师

2013.10-2020.02 上海大学 副教授

2016.10-2018.09 美国哈佛大学 访问学者

2020.03-至今 上海大学 教授


1) 拓扑结构聚合物、智能树形聚合物、仿生螺旋聚合物的设计、合成以及结构与性能关系

2) 智能水凝胶、微球以及在生物医药材料领域的应用

3) 微流控技术


入选上海市东方学者(2019)、浦江人才(2019)和青年科技启明星(2016)等人才计划项目。主持了包括国家自然科学基金委面上项目(21971161,2020-2023;21474060,2015-2018)和青年基金项目(21104043,2012-2014),教育部博士点基金(2011-2013)等多项科研项目。在包括Chem. Soc. Rev., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Macromolecules等国际著名化学和高分子类期刊上面共发表了60余篇论文,第一和通讯作者论文38篇,总被引超1700次。荣获教育部国家优秀自费留学生奖学金(2009)以及上海大学年度科研创新贡献奖(2019)。任Advances in Polymer Technology期刊编委,并担任包括Adv. Mater., Small, Macromolecules, Chem. Commun., Nanoscale, Polym. Chem.以及J. Mater. Chem. B等多个国际著名期刊审稿人。


1) F. Wang, C. Zhou, K. Liu, J. Yan,W. Li,*T. Masuda, A. Zhang,*Macromolecules 2019,52, 8631-8642.

2) X. Zhang, L. Cheng, L. Feng, Y. Peng, Z. Zhou, G. Yin,*W. Li,*A. Zhang, Thermoresponsive Dendronized Chitosan-Based Hydrogels as Injectable Stem Cell Carriers,Polym. Chem.2019,10, 2305-2315.

3) Y. Zhao, X. Zhang,W. Li,*A. Zhang,*Stimuli-responsive poly(phenyl acetylene) microparticles with tunable chirality.Euro. Polym. J.2019,118, 275−279.

4) X. Zhang, T. Liu, J. Yan, K. Liu,W. Li,*and A. Zhang,* Multiple-Responsive Dendronized Hyperbranched Polymers,ACS Omega2019,4, 7667−7674.

5) A. Qian, K. Liu, P. Chen, Y. Yao, J. Yan,*W. Li, X. Zhang, and A. Zhang,* OEGylated Cyclodextrin-Based Polyrotaxanes Showing Remarkable Thermoresponsive Behavior and Photocontrolled Degradation.Macromolecules2019,52, 3454−3461.

6) W. Li,*L. Zhang, X. Ge, B. Xu, W. Zhang, L. Qu, C. Hyung,; J. Xu, A. Zhang, H. Lee,* D. Weitz,* Microfluidic Fabrication of Microparticles for Biomedical Applications,Chem. Soc. Rev.2018, 47, 5646-5683. (封面)

7)X. Feng, J. Liu, G. Xu, X. Zhang, X. Su,W. Li,*A. Zhang,* Thermoresponsive Double Network Cryogels from Dendronized Copolymers Showing Tunable Encapsulation and Release of Proteins,J. Mater. Chem. B2018, 6, 1903-1911. (封面,热点文章)

8) X. Zhang, Y. Yin, J. Yan,W. Li,*A. Zhang, Thermo- and Redox-Responsive Dendronized Polymer Hydrogels,Polym. Chem.2018, 9, 712–721.

9)J. Liu, X. Zhang, X. Chen, L. Qu, L. Zhang, A. Zhang,W. Li,*Stimuli-Responsive Dendronized Polymeric Hydrogels through Schiff-base Chemistry Showing Remarkable Topological Effects,Polym. Chem. 2018,9, 378-387.

10) J. Wang, L. Chen, J. Wu,W. Li,*K. Liu, T. Masuda, A. Zhang,* Supramolecular Assembly of C3-Peptides into Helical Fibers Stabilized through Dynamic Covalent Chemistry,Chem-Asian J.2018,13, 3647-3652.

11) J. Liu, N. Wang,* L. Yu, A. Karton,W. Li,W. Zhang, F. Guo, L. Hou, Q. Cheng, L. Jiang, D. A. Weitz, Y. Zhao,* Bioinspired Graphene Membrane with Temperature Tunable Channels for Water Gating and Molecular Separation,Nat. Commu.2017,8, 2011.

12)J. Bo, Wang,W. Li,*X. Zhang, A. Zhang, Comb-like Polymers Pendanted with Elastin-like Peptides Showing Sharp and Tunable Thermoresponsiveness through Dynamic Covalent Chemistry,J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem.2016,54, 3379-3387.

13) X. Zhang, J. Yan,;W. Li,*; A. Zhang, Thermoresponsive Dynamic Covalent Dendronized Polymers,RSC Advances2016,6, 44216-44223.

14) L. Xu, L. Liu, F. Liu,W. Li,*R. Chen, Y. Gao, W. Zhang,*Photodynamic Therapy of Dendronized Reduction-Sensitive Porphyrins,J. Mater. Chem. B2015,3, 3062-3071.

15) J. Yan,W. Li,*A. Zhang,*Dendronized Supramolecular Polymers,Chem. Commun.2014,50, 12221-12233.

16) X. Tao, K. Liu,W. Li,*A. Zhang, Remarkable Structural Effects on Thermoresponsive Properties of Dendritic Macromolecules,Polymer, 2014, 55, 3672-3679.

17)L. Liu,W. Li,*J. Yan, A. Zhang.*Thermoresponsive Dendronized Polymeric Sensors,J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem.2014,52, 1706-1713.

18)W. Li,* X. Zhang, X. Zhao, X. Zhang, A. Zhang,*Doubly Dendronized Chiral Polymers Showing Thermoresponsive Properties,J. Polym. Sci. Part A, Polym. Chem.2013,51, 5143-5152.

19)G. Hu,W. Li,* Y. Hu, A. Xu, J. Yan, L. Liu, X. Zhang, K. Liu,. A. Zhang,*Water-Soluble Chiral Polyisocyanides Showing Thermoresponsive Behavior,Macromolecules2013,46, 1124-1132.

20)K. Liu, X. Zhang, X. Tao, J. Yan, G. Kuang,W. Li*, A. Zhang,*Lysine-Based Dendronized Polymers with Preferred Chirality,Polym. Chem.2012,3, 2708-2711.

21)J. Yan,W. Li,* X. Zhang, K. Liu, P. Wu, A. Zhang,*Thermoresponsive Cyclodextrins with Switchable Inclusion Abilities,J. Mater. Chem.2012,22, 17424-17428.

22)J. Yan, X. Zhang,W. Li,* X. Zhang, K. Liu, P. Wu,* A. Zhang.*Thermoresponsive Supramolecular Dendronized Copolymers with Tunable Phase Transition Temperatures,Soft Matter2012,8, 6371-6377.

23)F. Chen, X. Zhang,W. Li,* K. Liu, Y. Guo, J. Yan, A. Zhang.*Thermoresponsive Oligoprolines,Soft Matter2012,8, 4869–4872.

24)L. Liu,W. Li,* K. Liu, J. Yan, G. Hu, A. Zhang.*Comblike Thermoresponsive Polymers with Sharp Transitions: Synthesis, Characterization, and Their Use as Sensitive Colorimetric Sensors,Macromolecules2011,44, 8614–8621.

25)M. J. N. Junk,W. Li,A. D. Schlüter, G. Wegner, H. W. Spiess, A. Zhang* and D. Hinderberger,*EPR Spectroscopic Characterization of Local Nanoscopic Heterogeneities during the Thermal Collapse of Thermoresponsive Dendronized Polymers,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2010,49, 5683–5687.(†共同第一作者)

26)W. Li, A. Zhang,* Y. Chen,K. Feldman, H. Wu,A. D. Schlüter,* Low Toxic, Thermoresponsive Dendrimers Based on Oligoethylene Glycols with Sharp and Fully Reversible Phase Transitions,Chem. Commun.2008, 5948–5950.

27)W. Li, A. Zhang,* A. D. Schlüter, Thermoresponsive Dendronized Polymers with Tunable Lower Critical Solution Temperatures,Chem. Commun., 2008, 5523–5525.

28)W. Li, A. Zhang,* K. Feldman, P. Walde, A. D. Schlüter,Thermoresponsive Dendronized Polymers,Macromolecules2008,41, 3659–3667.

29)W. Li, A. Zhang,* A. D. Schlüter,*Efficient Synthesis of First- and Second-Generation, Water-Soluble Dendronized Polymers,Macromolecules2008,41, 43–49.


1)Wen Li,Afang Zhang,Stimuli-Responsive Dendronized Polymers.Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology,Herman F. Mark (Ed.), Wiley,2012.

2)Wen Li,Jiatao Yan, Afang Zhang,Dendronized Block Copolymers.Encyclopedia of Polymeric Nanomaterials,Shiro Kobayashi and Klaus Müllen (Ed.), Springer Berlin, 2015.


(1) 李文,殷瑜,陈晓,张夏聪,黄高军,熊初平,张阿方。智能型树枝化聚合物水凝胶及其制备方法。专利号:ZL201510222862.3,授权公告日:2018.03.06

(2) 李文,张晓茜,张夏聪,闫家涛,李娟,张修强,赵鑫,刘连晓,张阿方。温度敏感型树枝化苝及其制备方法。专利号:ZL201410008245.9,授权公告日:2016.06.29


下一条:Toshio Masuda

Lab address: Lab of Polymer Chemistry, Shanghai University, Materials Building 447, Nanchen 333, Shanghai 200444
Mail address: Shangda Street 99, Mailbox 152, Shanghai 200444, China.
Phone: 021-66138044, 66138053; Fax: 021-66138039. E-mail: kliu@shu.edu.cn

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